NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (previously the NDIS Price Guide) assist participants and disability support providers to understand the way that price controls for supports and services work in the NDIS.
Price regulation is in place to ensure that participants receive value for money in the supports that they receive.
The Support Catalogue lists all of the available supports that providers can use when lodging a payment request.
It also provides information on the current (and previous) price limits for each support item and indicates which claim types (travel, non-face-to-face, etc.) apply for each price-limited support item.
Price limits are the maximum prices that registered providers can charge NDIS participants for specific supports.
A few highlights of the 2022-23 Price Guide released on 22nd June 2022 include:
- Support work prices increased by 9% (considering inflation etc.)
- No increase in prices for therapy, support coordination and plan management
- No more level 3 high intensity supports
- Short notice cancellations now 7 days
- Nursing supports up by 2.94%
- Changes to provider travel rules
- Improved Daily Living support category has had a makeover with new line items created for each allied health profession
- New Bereavement Addendum
- Temporary Transition Payment (TTP) down to 3%
Further details can be found at