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Are you eligible for the SDA as a participant?

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The NDIS needs to be sure that SDA is right for you before it will pay for you to live in a SDA dwelling. So, you need to put together evidence for the NDIS. The NDIS can provide you with extra support coordination and allied health funding to help with this. This funding is called Investigating Housing Solutions. You should request this in your planning meeting or ask your Support Coordinator to prepare a case for you for SDA.


It is very important that your evidence talks about why you need SDA according to the SDA Rules.


Your paperwork needs to include:

  • A housing goal in your NDIS plan
  • A Participant Housing Statement that addresses your eligibility to receive support under SDA.
  • A functional capacity assessment by a suitable allied health professional
  • Additional assessments to support the application if needed
  • Home and living supporting evidence form (previously called ‘home and living supports requests form’)
  • If your functional capacity assessment has gaps or is not thorough enough for SDA, you may choose to also complete a Housing Plan.

You need to tell the NDIS that you need to move house. You can do this even if you don’t want to move straight away. The NDIS cannot think about what kind of new funding you need if it doesn’t know that you are going to make a change.


You need a goal about housing in your NDIS Plan. A housing goal says what you want to happen with your housing. In your housing goal, you need to use the right words for the NDIS.


Your housing goal should talk about:

  • Moving out of where you live now and outline where you want to move to
  • How many people you may want to live with, combined with your ability to be independent or else, dependent on companionship of others in the house
  • The way you want to be supported
  • Having choice

You can ask to change your goals at any time. To do this call the NDIS on 1800 800 110 or email


The NDIS can fund a range of supports to help you find the right house for you. This funding is called Investigating Housing Solutions and can include:

  • Funding for Allied Health assessments
  • Short Term Accommodation
  • Capacity Building Programs
  • Support Coordination

If NDIS decides not to fund SDA for you, or not to fund the type of SDA you believe you need, you can ask the NDIS to review their decision.


It’s important that you understand why the decision was made, so ask for it in writing. You might need to give the NDIS additional evidence about your need for the type of SDA you are seeking. You may also decide that a different type of housing may be right for you.


If the review decision from the NDIS still isn’t favourable, you can appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).


Talk to your Value Care Support Coordinator or our SDA specialists about how you can meet the SDA eligibility and be prepared for the inclusion of SDA in your next NDIS plan review.

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